Ideas into Digital Solutions

Flurium is a web development agency dedicated to creating exceptional user experiences through the use of modern technologies. Our team of experts combines creativity and technical expertise to deliver high-performing websites, web apps, and APIs that drive results.

Sun shining on top of mountain showing success

What we build for you. Always performant. Always better than your competitors.


Discover Our Projects

Our portfolio provides clear evidence of our skills and experience in web development.


Ukrainian e-commerce platform. Create an online shop fast and simple. No complexity, no hiring designers, no ton of services.


Auction platform made with MVC in 2 weeks.

"A diligent team that works at a professional level! She took into account all wishes in her work, performed all tasks on time and without comments! Very pleased with the cooperation with this team!"


Nazar Balaban

Mentor, STEP IT Academy

Contact us

Ready to discuss your project and get a website? Go

Road to top of mountain showing success


You will communicate directly to people, not layers of management. When you work with people both sides are motivated to deliver best results. While big companies only care about getting money from you. We care about strong relationships as well.


We believe in fast iterations and fixes. Each team member is constantly searching for next tasks after completing current ones. Fast development without loosing quality is what you and us want.


We use AI to speed up development and design processes. As well we enhance images and copy with AI. It allows us to move forward and deliver results to your faster and in better quality.

Our Team

Work with people, not layers of management. Be in reliable and fast interactions.

Roman Koshchei

Roman Koshchei

Founder - Team Lead

Make important decisions, manage team. Speak with clients to deliver best results.

Vitalii Lytvynenko

Vitalii Lytvynenko

Core full stack developer

Implements client-server interaction and performs bug inspections.

Mariia Shcherbak

Mariia Shcherbak

Full stack developer

Focusing on frontend interactions, animations and responsive layouts.

Dmytro Fliud

Dmytro Fliud


Write a lot of boilerplate code. Searching for tasks, need a bit of supervision.


Tech Stack

Primary technologies we use and push in development. Always expanded over time and projects.

Languages C#TypeScriptJavaScript
Frontend SvelteAstroTailwind
Backend ASP NET Core
Deployments Fly.ioVercelCockroachDB
Design & Collaboration GitHubFigma
AI RelumeFooocus

Transform your Digital Presence Today!

Our team of experts can help transform your digital presence and improve your online reach.

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